1483686249_Linear Bearing Carriages

Linear Bearing Carriage System

NOTE: The Linear Bearing Carriages will not be available until the third quarter of 2018.

Two separate carriages allow full independent operation traveling on massive 40mm solid steel guide rods. Smith Squats, Flat/Incline/Decline/Military presses and Vertical Leg Press are just a few exercises available with the liner bearing carriages.  A special feature of this system; it utilizes the X9’s selectorized stack weights to provide resistance.  It also allows for instant resistance and height changes.  A standard Smith machine requires Olympic weight plate changes which is time-consuming…in many cases you have to unload the bar of a standard Smith machine before repositioning the height.  Not so with the X9 carriage system.  We use a special combination of inverted selector rod and pullpin that link to the stack weights.  Comes with associated cables.