FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions
How Hard is it to Assemble the X9 and How Much Time will it Take?
Assembling the X9 does not require any special skills. A basic tool set (Allen wrench which is included, socket set, screwdriver, etc) will cover the full assembly of the X9. The heavy grade steel used on the X9 may require up to 3 guys (and 4 guys when installing the "Twin Boom Cable Arms" due to the weight and insertion point on top of the machine). Otherwise two guys can handle the rest. We recommend buying a large pizza to attract friends for this "Barn Raising" event.
The amount of time required to assemble the X9 will depend on how many options you have purchased. For the basic free weight platform (frame, legs, spotting system) it should take between 2 and 3 hours. Each additional option will cumulatively add more time to that.
The frame "walls" come fully welded reducing assembly time as well as making for a more rigid structure. You simply bolt the legs to the side frames then stand them vertically on top of the two bottom frame "trays", hand tighten bolts connecting those three parts. Lastly you bolt top arched tubing cross sections to the side walls and level the X9 to the floor using the height adjustable foot nodes.
Where Can I Find Assembly Instructions For My Bodyforce Product?
Assembly instructions will be posted initially in a picture/text format. You will be able to find basic assembly information via the pop-up menu located on each individual product page. When you purchase a Bodyforce product you will be given a passcode which you will enter on the Assembly Instructions Page . This will give you access to a full set of instructions.
How Will Your Professional Assembly Service Work?
We are currently establishing a professional assembly service covering most major metropolitan areas across the USA. For a fee (yet to be determined) a technician will come directly to your house/facility and assembly your Bodyforce product for you. This is the perfect solution for those with busy lifestyles preferring to order, ship and have their X9 operational with one simple click. More details to follow.
How Are the Swing Wing and Monolift Different?
The Monolift attaches at the back of the X9, the Swing Wing attaches at the front of the X9 (locks onto Safety Spotters). The primary function of the Monolift is squats/benchpress and stabilization. The Monolift as a system and also arms separately can adjust in height. The Swing Wing also allows squats and benchpress but other attachments as well. By placing the Lower Crossbar on the Swing Wing, other items such as Dips Handles, VKR, Multi-function Pad can be attached. Future items under development can also be plugged into the Swing Wing. The Swing Wing is height adjustable through the arms. To adjust the height of the Swing Wing, the Safety Spotter height would need to be changed. The standard configuration for the X9 has the Safety Spotters always in the highest position and normally there is no need to move the Swing Wing system higher or lower. The Swing Wing has two separate locking discs to adjust arm angle. The Monolift has a single locking disc.
Is the Stabilizer Pad Required to Use the Peck Deck?
The Stabilizer Pad is not required to use the Pec Deck. You can effectively use the Pec Deck without this attachment. However, it is useful for supporting your body to add stabilized targeting to your workouts while performing Pec Deck or Cable Exercises. Note: The Swing Wing at the front of the machine accepts this stabilizing attachment as well. Note: The Stabilizer Pad replces the previous Ball and Cage, serving the same function.
What's the Relationship Between the Gun Rack and the Monolift ?
They both attach at the rear of the X9. You would purchase one or the other, but not both. Primary use is squats but the Monolift can go lower for Benchpress as well.
Is the Pec Deck the Same Height as the 2D/3D Articulating Cable Arms?
The Pec Deck is a slightly lower height than both articulating arms.
What's the Difference Between the 2D Articulating Cable Arms and 3D Articulating Cable Arms?
The 2D Articulating Arms are able to change positions laterally, anywhere from the front to the back of the X9. The 3D Articulating Arms cover a similar range but also have a secondary arm that rotates vertically 360 degrees, similar to a clock. This allows lateral and vertical adjustments.
How Do the " Counter Weights For Linear Carriage System" Work?
To offset the weight of the heavy duty carriages, the Counter Weights are used. Each Counter Weight is formed out of solid steel. They travel on a 19mm guide rod inside the frame tubing where they are out of sight.
By using the counter weights, the effective carriage weight (with no attachments) is reduced to roughly 15 pounds. Without Counter Weights, each carriage starting weight is roughly 45 Lbs. If you anticipate users that benchpress less than 135 Lbs it is recommended to purchase the Counter Weights.
Can You Clarify What "Telescoping Support (H3 & H3XL Bench)" Is For?
Both Catalyst Benches glide (using rollers) forward and back on guide rods. As the rolling part of the bench moves into the aft position, the center of gravity shifts. The Telescoping Support prevents the bench from tipping when it gets to extreme aft position. For those using the gliding aspect of the Catalyst Benches, it is recommended to purchase the Telescoping Support.
Can You Clarify How the Rear Legs Are Used?
To maximize the flexibility of the X9, the front and rear legs were made optional (bolt on design). Some customers with less space can choose to not purchase the rear legs and place their X9 closer to a rear wall for example. If you intend on using the Gun Rack, Monolift, Cable Arms or Pec Deck at the rear of the machine you will want the rear legs. They provide extra support.
Are the Rubberized Weight Plates I See On Your Website Available For Purchase?
These will become available in 2017. In the mean time we can arrange delivery of some other high quality Olympic weight plates to your location (USA only).
How Does the X9 Hybrid Gym Compare to the Titan (Titax) T1 or T3?
Although we designed the X9 Hybrid Gym to compete with all products in the premium strength training category the Titan/Tytax sometimes gets singled out for comparison due to a few similarities. Dollar for dollar we beat the Titan products in virtually every category. Function, design, efficiency, quality, metal gauge, removable bench, walk through design (Titan has a heavy carriage system with cross-section as well as metal tubing permanently bolted right where you would walk in the middle of the machine), selectorized weight stacks (not found on the Titan), articulating 2D and 3D cable arms in the high position and 180 Arc Cable Arms in the low position found only on the X9. The Titan has two fixed cable arms up high and two fixed pulleys in the low position. The Titan does not have the ability to move the low pulleys from narrow to wide or high to low, which is a valuable function.
We believe a workout on the X9 is more seamless, requiring less time routing cables, etc. Although we do use some manual cable segments (ie modular Pec deck, leg press resistance multiplier, leg developer and carriage bridge/tethering), the core cable system is always connected and ready to go...you can always walk up, select your weight and start exercising. Not so with the Titan. Our footplates and multi-function pad have angle adjustments. The Titan does not. Some would say the Tytax/Titan safety spotters are much too short to safely catch a falling barbell (less than 12 inches), while the X9 safety spotters are more than double that length at close to 2 feet. When watching Tytax videos, take notice of the cable routing... all those pulleys that are temporarily placed for only one exercise, must be set up each time and adds a lot of logistics/time to your workout, slowing you down.
The Titan Pec Deck resistance curve- heavy start easy finish, is opposite from that desired. The X9 resistance curve is consistent. The list could go on. While the Titan is a decent machine overall, it is no match for the X9. Lastly, the Titan styling, in our humble opinion, looks dated. We feel the custom D-shape tubing and design of the X9 is cutting edge and leads the pack in the looks department. The X9 will not go out of style anytime soon. Note: we will be creating a comparison table measuring the X9 against 20+ of the most popular premium strength machines on the market. Keep checking back for more info.
What Colors Are Available for the X9 Hybrid Gym?
Right now the X9 will come standard in metallic silver with black shrouds. The bench will also come in metallic silver with black upholstery. We have found this to be the most aesthetically pleasing combination. Other color options may become available in the future (ie different color shrouds or upholstery) for an additional fee but those options likely will not be available until late 2017.
What Amount of Space Do I Need to Fit an X9 Hybrid Gym Into My Room?
Suggested minimum horizontal space (side to side):
- Ten feet for fixed cable arms is 10 feet.
- Twelve feet for 3D Cable Arms
- Thirteen feet for 2D Cable Arms
- Fifteen feet with Storage Trees attached to rear legs.
Suggested minimum depth of room (front to back):
- Six feet with only frame and front legs (or frame bolted to floor)
- Ten feet with frame and H3 Catalyst Bench
- Eleven feet with frame and H3XL Catalyst Bench
- Twelve feet with H3 Catalyst Bench and rear legs
- Thirteen feet with H3XL Catalyst Bench and rear legs
- Seventeen feet with H3XL Catalyst Bench and Pec Deck
- Eighteen feet with Storage Trees attached to rear legs
Suggested minimum room height for normal X9 operations:
- Eight feet(If you place pull-up handles in the low position and select fixed cable arms minimum height can be reduced).These distances above are all minimum values. More space will give you greater freedom of movement.
Can I use the H3XL or H3S Catalyst Bench With My Power Rack?
As long as you have a couple feet free on the floor entering your power rack (no cross bars), the H3 Benches will work great and save your shoulders!
Can I Use My Own Bench with the X9 Hybrid Gym?
One great thing about the X9 is it's walk through design. No cross bars to jump over or duck under or a frame that is too short. Our open design allows virtually ever bench on the market to fit inside. We can't promise you won't be tempted later to purchase our H3 Catalyst Bench with it's amazing features that further harness the X9's ability. No matter, our bench or yours, you can't lose when purchasing the game changing X9 Hybrid Gym. It will put you head and shoulders above anything else on the market.
What Color Choices Do I Have for the X9 Hybrid Gym and H3XL and H3S Catalyst Bench's?
The standard color for X9 and H3 are metallic silver with black upholstery. We believe this combination looks the best in person. We use red on the internet to show more contrast. We can paint your X9 in another color and customize the color of your upholstery for a yet to be determined special order fee. These modifications would add several weeks or more to your delivery time.
How Much Space Do I Need to Use An X9 Hybrid Gym and How Much Does it Weigh?
The X9 frame (not including bench, current or yet to be introduced options) is 7'3". If you include the H3 bench this distance can increase (depending upon its docked position within the X9).
For basic option/configurations a 10 x 11 foot room with 8 foot ceilings will be sufficient. Be sure to measure your actual ceiling height even if it was advertised at 8 feet (some builders construct slightly lower than that which would affect which options you would want to order for your X9). A 12 x 13 foot or larger room would give you space to move the bench in and out of the X9 more comfortably. We have one option (large articulating arms) that will require a 14 foot wide room to get the full benefit. That said, 90% benefit can be achieved with a 12 foot wide room with this option. If you intend on performing dumbbell work outside of the X9 using the H3 "Catalyst" Bench (shown in the picture with red upholstery) please plan extra space for safe, comfortable operation.
The X9 weight will range depending on whether you are going basic or loading the X9 up with all available options. Starting weight will be around 1200 pounds and can go as high as 3000 pounds (including 400 pounds of weight stacks should you opt for that feature as well).
Although the unit has a relatively small footprint this doesn't stop it from being well balanced. The "spider" legs on the front and straight legs on the back give it well placed surface area to support 360 degrees operations anywhere on the machine. The unique layout of the legs (including adjustable foot height nodes) produce weight/mass distribution with low ft/lb pressure on any particular area of your floor. It should not cause any undue stress when placed on floors using standard building techniques (This does not speak to construction outside of the USA). That said, if in doubt have a professional take a look and give his/her opinion.

Why Buy From Bodyforce?
The short answer is because we produce the X9 Evolution Hybrid gym, the most functional gym on the market. We also strive to give you world class customers service. For more specific reasons please read here.
When Will the First X9 Hybrid Gym's Be Delivered?
Current orders will be delivered in July 2017. If you are thinking about ordering, the sooner the better as it gets you into the Que. This allows us to begin production of your X9 and get you a higher priority for delivery.
How Can I Order Your Products?
The best way right now is to call us at 253-238-6583 or send an email to info@bodyforce.com. Our website will soon have a secure ordering and checkout shopping cart. Please keep checking www.bodyforce.com for this to become available. When the shopping cart is operational, you will:
Click on the "Add to Cart" button for the product, option or accessory you desire. You will receive an email confirming your order followed by an email with expected delivery date. If the item is not in stock we will supply an email letting you know when we expect it to become available.
You can also send us a message through our Contact Form and we'll be happy to process your order and answer any questions you may have.
Where Can I See Pricing and What is Included?
Please visit our Products Page for specific details. As a quick overview, materials found on the frame and options include: Stainless steel tubing with gas assist springs- Monolift system, customized 8 gauge tubing, precision linear bearings, 40mm hardened steel guide rods, proprietary spotting system, Twin-boom 3-axis cable system and many other features not offered on any competing machine.
This is not a normal, everyday fitness product. Our products are something special that you will take pride in ownership for years to come. Also please take a look at our Comparison Matrix to see how the X9 and H3 stack up against the competition in pricing and features.
We designed the X9 allowing the user to start with a basic (albeit premium) free weight platform. From there he/she has the ability to tailor-make it to their desired budget/requirements. An engaging bundled package with some of our most popular options (including bench and cable/carriage system). Please click on the "Packages" button on each product page for more specific information. Pricing will be adjusted upward after the initial discounted sales period.
We currently have over 15 options ready or in the pipeline. Different options will appeal to different people depending on their objectives. We will continue to create more options based upon user feedback and recommendations.
A person can start with the basics now and as their needs/budget increase, add more options later. We have worked hard to "future proof" the design so the attach points remain consistent. Other companies want you to buy entirely new products every few years and don't worry about future proofing. In fact, they typically stand against this concept for increased revenue and market share to support their multiple layers of management/overhead, etc. We focus on premium function and value. Our prime directive is to sell one amazing machine to each customer once, supporting them with great service and options over a lifetime.
How Long From Order Date to Delivery?
USA: Depending on availability the typical time from order to delivery is 7-10 business days. Currently the first delivery positions are sold out. We expect inventory to become available Spring 2017. If you are considering purchasing an X9 Hybrid Gym, please contact us right away to establish your priority position.
CANADA: Typical time from order to delivery is 10-14 business days.
INTERNATIONAL (outside USA and CANADA): Varies based upon your country and the shipping method used. After receiving your shipping address we can give a shipping window when you can expect to receive your Bodyforce product.
*These delivery dates are based upon inventory when the order is made. Where possible we will let you know in advance of any delays or other issues.
What is the Warranty on an X9 Hybrid Gym?
Bodyforce warrants our products to the original purchaser to be free from defects in workmanship and/or materials under normal use or service. If at any time a component part is defective, Bodyforce shall repair or replace it (at Bodyforce’s option) within a reasonable period of time. Please visit our Warranty Page for more information. The basic warranty is as follows:
- BODY/FRAME: Lifetime of the original purchaser
15 Day Money Back Guarantee!
We believe strongly in our product. Try our X9 Evolution Hybrid Gym for 15 days. If you are not 100% satisfied with for any reason, feel free to return it for a refund per our Guarantee policy.
Where Can I See Videos or a Review of the X9 Hybrid Gym?
We were going to shoot some HD video of our prototype but then elected to wait for the production units underway to avoid confusion. As soon as we receive a production unit, we will be creating videos that articulate the many benefits the X9 and H3 have to offer. John Stone of JohnStoneFitness will also be receiving one of these units and is planning on doing a thorough review. I understand he may take some video as well. If you know John, he will be going through everything with a fine tooth comb.
How Do I Access My Account and Log in/out of This Website?
In the top menu select Support>Account. If you have not yet created an account click on the link for "Create Account". You can also use your Facebook profile (click on "login with Facebook). You can also access the Account page by clicking on the person symbol at the top right menu of the website. To log out simply click on the Log Out link on the Account page. This is a secure, encrypted website. All of your personal information will be kept confidential and secure.
Beta Website
This website is operating under Beta. Additional pictures, videos and details will be added as soon as they become available.
The "placeholders" you see on the product page will be replaced with quality content in the coming months. Rather than waiting for the site to be completely finished prior to launch we felt there was value in making the current information available to you in advance.
We appreciate your patience while this is going on. If you see anything missing on this website, would like something added or notice issues (ie misspelled words), please give us a heads up. We would like to create the best possible user experience for all of our customers.
We invite you to leave feedback through the orange FEEDBACK button at the top left of this site or on our Contact Page. All ideas and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thank You for your interest in Bodyforce and our expanding product lineup.